Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Methodist are Coming (or going fast)! | The Pastor Rudy Experience | a blog

The Methodist are Coming (or going fast)! | The Pastor Rudy Experience | a blog

Here are the facts on the United Methodist Church in the United States, between 1998-2008:

The average worship attendance declined by 9%.
The number of churches declined by 6%.
The number of baptisms decreased by 31%.
The number of professions of faith decreased by 25%.
The make up of clergy are 88% White and 76% male (2008)
The makeup of church membership is 90% White (2008)
The average age of clergy rose from 49 to 54.
The financial expenditures per member rose 61%.
Average church costs in 2008: 36% building and debt; 34% clergy and lay staffing costs; 20% apportionments, benevolence, and programs.

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